Welcome to YANSHI!

"A Legacy In the Making"


To learn more about the Founder/Creator of The Yanshi Planner, Click here!

We started out as Dreamers...

We had a sparkle in our eyes, goals in our mind, determination in our hearts.

Growing up in a world full of to-do lists, of being told to succeed without the raw details of how, we thought we knew what we "wanted to be when we grew up."

We envisioned all the possibilities of what the future would and could hold and believed that hard work alone would get us there.

However, over the years we grew to learn that it's so much more in-depth than that.

The vision doesn't always evolve the way we expect, but that's okay because when you achieve a goal, there is then a new milestone to reach, a new way to learn and to grow.

In its own way, that can be quite beautiful... a revelation.

There comes a pivotal moment when you realize that the time has come to swim your own ocean and ride your own wave. Plant your feet on the ground, stand up tall, and declare that you are ready to live the life you want, deserve, and need.

We chose to live in and for that moment.

We became the Do-ers...

We realized that the life we NEED involves harmony, balance, organization, and a sincere & rock-solid belief in our dreams... and it involves helping others to do the same.

We put this planner and company together based on the dedication to helping change lives, making others smile, take charge, and enjoy their journey with every ounce of their being.

It's no secret that life can get messy and sometimes people just need to pull it together.

We've lived through messy, uncertain, hopeful, determined and even scared.

We understand, and we know what it takes to find your rocks and place them where they need to go.

Yanshi isn't just about us. It's about you. 

It's about the beautiful changes we can all make by tackling the years with integrity, commitment, community, and determination.

Life is a grand beach filled with grains of sand so alike, yet different. Nearby rocks are so similar, yet unique.

We each stand upon them, individuals with goals and dreams, each one of a kind... but all with the ability to create a legacy.

We know and trust that all who own a Yanshi Planner will see themselves in a brighter, shining light, and will find a beautiful connection with their past, present, and future, therefore making a true impact in the world.

Our pledge to you is to provide you all the rocks that we possibly can. Whether you seek inspiration, organization, community, or all of the above, we are here for you.